Eileen Ford, Esquire, with assistance of law clerk, Samuel Conrad, of MOODK’s Delaware office obtained summary judgment on behalf of its client in a bad faith denial of insurance claim. In 2016, the plaintiff, who lived in a condominium association, noticed leakage in his unit. The plaintiff notified the property management who made a claim with its insurance company. The property management’s insurance company denied the claim in 2017 asserting the damage was caused by wind but the plaintiff and property management did not receive notice of the denial until two years later in 2019. After receiving the denial, the property management company notified MOODK’s client who was the insurer for the condo for claims involving wind damage. The client investigated the claims but could not determine the cause of the damage due to repairs already having been made and denied the claim based on this and the fact that the claim had not been reported within the one-year period required under the policy. Plaintiff sued the property management’s insurance company, which filed a Third-Party Claim against MOODK’s client claiming bad faith. Following discovery, MOODK attorneys moved for summary judgment on the bad faith claim against the client arguing it was barred by the one-year limitation period under the insurance contract. The Court agreed finding that the bad faith claim arose from the insurance contract and granted summary judgment resulting in the complete dismissal of MOODK’s client.